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The scandalization of migration is part of the standard repertoire in Germany / September 30, 2010 / photo by jodofe from 

4.jpeg published this stock photo provided by the website alongside the article "Nein zur Ausgrenzung" (No to marginalization) published on September 30, 2010. Although published by taz, "Nein zur Ausgrenzung" is actually not an original piece of journalism, but rather a statement by the Network Critical Migration and Border Regime Research (kritnet), an "association of people from science, activism, art and NGOs who critically examine the state, political, social and scientific handling of migration." Well over 100 signatures by various individuals and groups conclude the statement.

The photo shows only the left eye of an assumed Muslim woman, based on factors including her skin tone and the face and hair covering which is likely a Niqab. The image caption reads "Die Skandalisierung der Migration gehört zum Standardrepertoire in Deutschland" (The scandalization of migration is part of the standard repertoire in Germany). The bright red and orange Niqab is complimented by the muted teal blurred background and the image's tones are overall warm, as is typically associated with Arabic or Middle Eastern color combinations. A shadow crosses slightly above the woman's eye line from where the Niqab ends. 

Despite the fact that the statement by the organization argues against the marginalization of migrants specifically in regards to comments and policies made by former finance senator Thilo Sarrazin, by selecting such a generalized and stereotypical image of a Muslim woman, taz undermines the group's mission and further marginalizes migrants as the mysterious "other."

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